Sunday, March 29, 2009

Speak to Both Sides of the Brain

An effective presenter must appeal to both the right and left sides of the brain to be successful. A presentation should include a balance of scientific facts, rational data, and credible sources, as well as a coherent storyline, vibrant visuals and emotional language to reach the whole human mind.  Scientists do not know the extent of how the left sides of the brain control literal analytical thought while the right side of the brain contributes to emotional collective understanding.     But all scientists agree that both sides of the brain's processing functions are inter-connected.  

Knowing that the brain requires both logic and emotion, analsysis and intuition, text and illustration, means that presenters must include a balance of all these factors to be effective.  An engineer may fail to connect with an audience if only data and figures are used without a visual story.  Likewise an artist's presentation will not be as powerful without credible analysis. Deliver a presentation that is relevant to both sides of your audiences' mind and promote understanding of new ideas.  

Brain Image Credit:

Redux Picture Blog, Visual Storytellers

A presenter must understand  how to visually tell stories.   Photos are commonly used on presentation slides, so it is important to study the masters of photography.  An excellent resource is the Redux Pictures Blog.   This blog includes pictures from many of the world's best photographers.   

My favorite photographer on the site is Ben Baker.   Ben's photos are frequently on the covers of news, entertainment and sports magazines.  Above you can see Ben's photo of President Obama used across the world for Fortune Magazine in the U.S. and Fortune China.   

Add the Redux Picture Blog to your Google Reader and learn how to visually tell stories in your presentations.  The Redux photographers know that each photo they share cannot bore their audience.  And the articles in the blog will help teach you current topics that are shaping our collective culture.  All of which will make your presentations stronger.  

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Remote Improves Presentations

The compact Communicator presentation remote fits in your hand like a smooth pebble. and includes Forward, Backward, Black Screen and Escape functions. That is all the remote functionality you need for a presentation. If you want a complex remote, than buy a Wii videogame console. And if you insist on using a laser pointer, I suggest buying a light saber and trying out for Star Wars The minimalist 'VersaPoint Communicator' by Interlink Electronics is one of the least expensive remotes on Interlink's website, costing $59 USD. The Communicator allows you to walk up to 30 feet (9 meters) away from your computer.
A presentation remote gives you the freedom to leave your laptop, reduce distraction and keep the audience focus on your message.

Other excellent presentation remotes?

Monday, March 23, 2009

A Powerful Presentation Book

Slide:ology is the definitive book on how to create and deliver audience centric presentations. Nancy Duarte and her large professional team of presentation designers at Duarte Design know the 'art' and 'science' of visual storytelling. Duarte Design accumulated experience by serving the presentation needs of Silicon Valley's top firms for decades. Recently Duarte Design supported the top presentation event in the world, TED the Technology Entertainment Design Conference. Duarte Design was the consultant that perfected the presentations used in for Al Gore's oscar winning Inconvenient Truth, a documentary on global warming. As an instructor of executive presentation design and visual communication, I can say with confidence that Slideology 'gets it'. For the price of two movie tickets, Duarte Design enables you to learn the vital skill of delivering impactful public presentations. This is essential reading for any presenter in the workplace.