Sunday, November 23, 2008

Notes from the book The Articulate Executive In Action

Here are some notes I made from the book The Articulate Executive In Action by Granville N. Toogood. It is just a fraction of what the book talks about but it can help you when you are making a presentation.

CVA = Communications Value Added

What is it?

- That something extra you can give
- You are not afraid to show yourself
- Passionate. You are a true believer.

Example of a true believer:

“A man named David Orrick enthusiastically pitches his industrial strength cleaners on the radio and cleans up big time”

Who has CVA?

- Jezus
- Mohammed
- Gandhi

You know these people because of what they did, not because of their written words!

The Seven principles of CVA

1. Never bore
Be passionate, use anecdotes

2. Always leave people with more when they walk out than when they walked in
Give Value

3. Always be master of your presentation, not the other way
PPT should help your pitch, not be your pitch

4. Speak only about what you know
Stick to the roots

5. Always be sensitive to the needs of your audience

6. Speak in pictures
No abstract things. Give war stories or solid but simple evidence

7. Preparation
Know what you want to tell. Do your homework


1 comment:

  1. Excellent key points Bastian! This is the essence of story, sharing an idea that is easy to visualize, real, personal, emotional, empathetic and ultimately adds value for the audience.

    Thanks Bestian for contributing Toogood's helpful guidance in a concise and clear way!
